
Friday, November 15, 2013

HELP: Picking up the Pieces afer Typhoon Yolanda

Two days before Yolanda hit, I posted an urgent call for my hometown in Pulupandan, a coastal area in Negros Occidental in the Philippines, to pack a suitcase of necessities to prepare themselves to evacuate to safer grounds. The forecast on the intensity of the typhoon described the typhoon to be the most dangerous storm to hit earth this year. Seeing that my town is situated by the coast facing the strait of Guimaras island, the imagery of big waves surging into my idyllic hometown played in my mind. I posted the urgency of the matter on facebook, because, I know, many of us back home would take the chances to weather the storm. With my two sisters and niece and nephew left in the town I grew up in, I could not bear of thought of the prospect of losing them solely because they were not prepared. Fortunately, my town was spared from major damages. An interesting pie form image was captured via satellite, showing the areas in my province that were spared from the wrath of the storm.
When Yolanda first hit, postings in social media showed videos and images of the wild activity of the storm while other accounts told the actuality of the storm to be far worse than what they could describe. Then came some news of evacuation centers torn by the intensity of the typhoon. Thought to be a safe haven, shelters and even stronger buildings were swept away by the strong winds. Following the furious gust  of winds was a strong storm surge, described by Ted Failon of ABS CBN News as though the whole ocean moved into the dry land.

I first heard of 11 deaths, then a 100, and the following day, news reported the death toll at 10,000 approximately - in one city alone. For a second there, our hearts stopped, trying to wrap our heads around the whole thing. The death toll is still rising as relief and medical teams access affected areas.

With the aftermath of the devastation floods the internet with visuals of casualties and massive destruction, the Philippine gained the compassionate attention of the world. The generosity of the global community overwhelms us with gladness and gratitude. I am very humbled. My own crisis became so minuscule.

Here in Salt Lake alone, the Filipino community is very engaged in organizing fundraiser events and efforts to generate funds to support relief operations back home. Here are the events and fundraising efforts in Salt Lake that we should all support:

BYU Filipino Club Fundraising Event
Friday, November 22 at 7:00pm
BYU Wilkinson Center Terrace

5K Fun Walk/Run for Typhoon Haiyan Survivors

 Typhoon Hayian Relief Fundraiser

 November 24th

November 30th
Kobe Royal Garden Reception, 1350 Coppercreek Rd, Sandy, UT 84094

Star Catering Eggroll Fundraiser
$12 only for a pack of 50 eggrolls
STAR Catering is now accepting orders for Eggrolls. 100% of net proceeds will be donated to Foundations that support Yolanda victims. Please contact me or comment to order

My husband who served an LDS mission in Tacloban wrote:
Dear Ward family and friends,

Thirteen years ago, I was a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in the Philippines Tacloban Mission (1998-2000). This mission that I love so much was the WORST hit area in the recent Typhoon in the Philippines. All missionaries are safe and accounted for, but there is more to do. There have been many images and videos over the past few days that have left me heartbroken and saddened. I can hardly recognize the streets and scenes of Tacloban City that I traveld on those many years ago. There are so many wonderful people and friends there in need, both members of our faith and not. Being one of many lucky missionaries who served among the people of Leyte, Samar and Biliran, I ask that you pray for them and help them in any way that you can. Please donate whatever you are able to the Church Humanitarian Fund (located on the standard Tithing/Donation Slip) or the Red Cross or other reputable charity organization.

Thank You from the bottom of my heart,
Christian Pfister
From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you all for your continued prayers and support. Here's a local Rotary Club accepting and managing donations for relief operations in the area.
With this traumatic disaster and disheartening aftermath Haiyan caused, my countrymen demonstrate great resilience, bravery and faith. My Filipino brothers and sisters, you are all just one "tough cookie"! We can do this! Kakayanin natin ito!
 For any questions, please comment here. I will reply as promptly as I can. Thank you all.

God bless the Philippines!

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