
Sunday, November 17, 2013

If She Can Beat Yolanda, So Can We

Over the past few days, with the aftermath of super typhoon Yolanda, we have been seeing all the bad brought by the super typhoon. As a nation, we not only suffer tremendous loss but unfortunately, shame. This major disaster, the trauma and chaos it created, seems to have opened a pandora's box. It's not that this corruption and all in my country has been a secret. But, geez, my heart is breaking, this crisis opened up the magnitude of our problem, how *&%^$* is the government and so forth. Just stressful to think about.

So to Yolanda, goodbye. But, you left a pretty heavy mark which, I hope, will soon be all erased.

I had a loong day today. I was tired but all this mess back home has been in my mind. I created this this art to counter Yolanda's plague.

Background painting "The Eye", photography and makeup by Jennifer Pfister; Susan Argyle, Model

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