
Friday, November 16, 2012

Breaking Dawn II: The Best of the Bunch

First off, let’s cut the chase. Was it good? My answer – it was a real treat! Breaking Dawn 2 is the best of the bunch. While I can’t speak for whole cinematic quality and technicalities, all I can say – the heck, I enjoyed it! The final film of the Twilight Saga fed its thirsty audience with supernatural romance, drama and some over-the-top action. 

The movie opens with Bella, being transformed to her new vampire body, adjusts to her new world and discovers a unique ability to create a mind shield. The whole movie moves around the controversy on Edward and Bella’s fast-growing offspring that brought the whole gripping battle between the Volturi and the Cullens and company. While the Volturi sees the arrival of half-human half-vampire child a threat, the Cullens gather other vampires from the different ethnicities to vouch for the child. Meanwhile, (as sicko this might be in real life), Jacob imprinted (a wolf thing) on Renesmee, making Jacob Renesmee’s protector and the two destined to be soul mates in the ‘near’ future.

With all the different super powers of the vampire characters, the main attraction of the movie was the battle with the Volturi.  Imagine, Bella with her newfound skill to shield other vampires; from Amazonian she-vamps, the ability to supplant intensely real visual images into the minds of others; from the Egyptian coven, comes Benjamin who can physically manipulate the elements of earth, air, fire and water and from the Denali coven, Kate can electrocute anyone who touches her. Adding interest to the new group of covens is the Romanian duo of ancient vampires, Stephan and Vladimir, sworn enemies of the Volturi. Don't ask me about the effects, I got psyched with the soap-operatic drama! There. On the other hand, it quite came a surprise, made the audience gasp, to see the violent ending of some of good the guys, starting with Carlisle. Awww, did I spoil it? Well, that and many more gave the whole story-telling part of the film a riveting twist that will make the ride all worth your angst.

The acting … Hey, I have to say Kristen Stewart emerged from her signature sulking way of acting. The versatile Michael Sheen on the other hand, unleashes quite an interesting eccentric portrayal, as we have always known him as Aro, the ominous leader of the Volturi. Meanwhile, Dakota Fanning didn’t have to speak a word to prove another great performance. She had her intense red eyes do all the speaking for her. 

From the beginning to the closing credits, everything was well tied up. The happy-ending conclusion of the movie was just like a … wedding video … down to it its closing credits. Awwww, so cute. I love it! Cheers! Have fun!

 Thanks ALL STATE for this yearly treat! Like ALL STATE on facebook:

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