
Sunday, September 9, 2012

About Me

Some Pieces of Me … 
I am very opinionated and I think out loud ... sometimes. I know that some opinions, true and good they may be, are better left unsaid. However, I just can't help it sometimes. They just come out, ballistically! Bang, bang, bang … BOOM! Nevertheless, you need no worry because first off, I am just exaggerating and secondly, I only take them out on my hubby and my mom. My husband is quite good at firing back and I can't beat his sarcasm. Despite our colliding views and opinions, he and I always end up with I-love-you-anyways-dear.   Mom, on the other hand, who I still call Mommy, is just amazingly gracious. She still finds my passion on things fascinating. I love my Mommy!

I come from a very humble background. I grew up in a really fun, down to earth neighborhood in the Philippines where honesty was highly upheld. Hah, this brings back old, fun memories. Here we go, on honesty. Be cautious in gaining weight, my people would call you fatty straight to your face.  The heaviest I got was a 120 lbs. People called me chubby. It was not an offense; it’s just honesty. Your unsightly pimples (I got acne attack even past my teenage years. Ugh!) couldn't get away either because a neighbor or even a stranger would remind you of them. Be a good sport, they're just being honest! I can go on and on but on the hindsight, I am glad I lived through it.  I did learn my - manners - the hard way. Some things do really sink in better that way. LOL.

Perfection is something I really, really want in many aspects of my life. But, I am not even a point close to it. So, I go to church. That’s every Sunday with the family. The same, repeated principles, gospel concepts are taught in Sunday school but that's how oblivious I am that I need those reminders.“Prophets have always taught by repetition; it is a law of learning. You will hear repetition in themes and doctrines … We continue to hear messages on similar issues because the Lord is teaching and impressing upon our minds and hearts certain foundational principles of great eternal importance that must be understood and acted upon before we can move on to other things. A wise builder first lays the foundation before erecting the walls and the roof.” (Uchtdorf, D. (2011, September). General conference—no ordinary blessing . Retrieved from )

Getting old-er is one fact in life that still does not sink in to me. I didn’t even think in my young mind that I would hit – 30! Ahem. Glurg. I do realize, however, that days do really go by so fast. I found some old pictures and saw how young and skinny my husband and I looked years ago. My oldest child was just once a baby and I feel she still is my baby. I still, in fact, call her my baby love. I could look at those pictures over and over again. Photos are precious, especially the ones that tell a story. I shoot a lot of pictures and still feel I don't have enough of them.

Life could be so hectic with things I have got to do. Towards the end of week, I could not wait to not worry about work and just spend time with family. They seize my crazy world, tuning it to a better channel. Family is always the best company, but I also enjoy the company of friends and giving service or a little of my time to worthwhile events and occasions. I still find 24 hours not enough for a day and I fancy on getting a time machine or a pause, play, rewind remote control to get caught up with things. But, here I go with my reality - this life I’ve got, the life I live and people in it I love and cherish.

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