There are endless possibilities of making it in this country. Opportunities are everywhere. If you work - you will never go hungry. More so, if you have the "wits"! And I think, our 5-year-old niece has it.
It was a house-chore day and Any (our niece) helped her mom mopped the floor. After finishing, she went out to dump out the dirty water on their lawn. Before she got to do it, some neighborhood kids interrupted her, asking her what's in the bucket. She quickly thought of a commercially brilliant idea as she thoughtfully told them, "Oh this is a wishing bucket." You drop a coin in it and your wish will come true." Convincingly, the kids started dropping, a penny, a quarter and so on. At the end of the day, Any came back to the bucket and counted all the coins. She made two dollars - a day's residual income for just a minute of her thought! But wait, because this is not the end of it. The kids came back to her.
"Hey, Any! What will happen to our wishes now?" She looked at them with a sigh, "Oh well, children ... sometimes, it is just ... business. Bye!" Short and honest.
Some services are not guaranteed especially on wishes. So don't expect you can have your money back either, right? What do you say? She would never go hungry in America, would she?