
Sunday, November 6, 2016

I have a confession ...

So I took two weeks off from work. It's not a vacation, nor a staycation but an "errand-cation," how about that? You know how it is when you have so many errands in between, and you have to hurry back to work? For two weeks, I didn't have to feel harassed due to time limitations to get things done. The added bonus is that you get some "diversion" in between. How about that?

First off, thanks to those who supported my little photography gig. I opened my home studio to family and friends, and it was a treat working with the little ones with their bright smiles. Since I will be back to work now, I can ONLY do some WEEKEND photography after 2 pm. Location shoot starts at $125 for an hour session.
From doctors appointments to day-to-day errands, I would probably be on the other end of the US, just driving all day. And of course, shortstops are rather a necessity while you are on the road to unwind. Here are a few stops:

I had my facial there at $45 only and what a difference. I am coming back for next peel. I have mild to deep acne scarring, and I am hoping to smooth out some blemishes and even out skin discoloration. My aesthetician, Sherri, was such a pleasure to work with, as she explained the procedure and the products she used on my skin. They use natural products as a peeling agent. For the session, she used pumpkin and chocolate concentrated extract on my skin. It stung for a little bit but very tolerable and rather seeing noticeable exfoliation from the procedure, I experienced tightening and luminosity on my skin instead. I have two more sessions and I hoping to see some dramatic results. I will post some pictures soon. Oh, also, she gives a nice neck and hand massage during wait times.

The spa is in a complex and there is a new Vietnamese food chain nearby, Saigon Sandwich. They also serve Pho and that's what I was just craving. I am a regular at Pho Hoa and I can only compare. Pho Hoa serves better brisket and portion. The Saigon place is not too bad and it's nice to be greeted by an English speaking person at the counter. I will be back there when I am the area though to try the sandwich. I got my first loyalty star. They give you something free when you get to 10. So, not bad.

Korean Drama ... I don't fall into the addicted category yet as I only watch this, more of a background while I edit photos. I got into some of the episodes, and I am more into the era drama, the dynasty era. I just love the cinematography, the costumes, the narratives and I've come to love the language even though I don't quite understand it.

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After watching The Moon Embracing the Sun years ago, I just fell in love in Korean Dramas. I would say, it's my first love Drama and the recent Moonlight Drawn by Clouds parallels it. I was attracted to it because of Kim Yoo Jung. She was just a delight to watch in the previous drama as a child actress. As a teenager in the newer drama, she did amazing and not to mention the chemistry between her and Park Bo-Gum. They are so cute together. It was so good that I wish they would have created more conflicts, drama and romance for more episodes.

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I have watched Scarlet Heart Ryeo  ... it has good ride to it but it was hard for me to watch at first with the casting as the leading lady role seemed to struggle to fit in at first. It got better in the end. The storyline ended up gloomy, so it left a sad feeling to a lot of fans.
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Two Worlds: Oh, it was fun, at first then it got so twisted, confusing and chaotic with its sci-fi theme, its characters teleporting from the alternate universe of webtoon and present-time reality. It was a just ride, it reminded me of the series, LOST. However, Two Worlds is better because it ended with an ending, and a happy one. OK?! A happy ending always win!
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The Flower in Prison ... it's still going ... going ... going slow. Every fan is waiting for the lead characters to ... KISS. It's already on its 50th episode yet no KISS ... they are holding it up to keep the viewers ... for that KISS. Goodness, can you relate?

If you want to know the premise of Korean Drama/Romance series, watch Drama World, available on Netflix

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There is no period  because I have not made a confession yet