
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Year 2013

I was browsing the net for events to watch for this year and I was instead lead to predictions that sound rather dreary. I said to myself, well, these predictions are no different from what the bible says about the Second Coming. By no means I am making my own “Mayan” calculation of the world’s ending, but we all see the “signs of the time” coming about. I don’t mean to start this entry on a cheerless note either, because the Second Coming is a scriptural truth Christians look forward to. As Jesus ascended into heaven, two angels declared to Christ’s Apostles, "This same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven" (Acts 1:11). As many apocalypse believers were left red-faced when the December 21st’’s doomsday date didn’t materialize, Christians believe the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night … “rejoice evermore” (Thessalonians Chapter 5). I will leave it at that. 

Until then, how about we bide our time in gratitude, in service to one another and celebration of life? First, gratitude. I don't know how else we can be happy with what we have if we don't see them to start with. If you still have your job, your house, your family and friends, there is lot to be thankful for. With continuing news on unemployment, families losing their homes to foreclosure, properties being repossessed, businesses being shut down among others, I am in no position to complain at any rate.  I am also grateful for many good people around me, around us. I see it a blessing to be surrounded by good people. This reminds me of the story of Sodom and Gomorrah in the book of Genesis in the Bible. Because of the wickedness of the people in the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, the Lord told Abraham that he would destroy the cities. Abraham then bargained with the Lord to spare the cities if there were righteous people in them. From fifty righteous people, the Lord agreed with Abraham to spare the city for even just ten righteous people for their sake. But to no avail, the cities were destroyed.  I am grateful that I do not live in this circumstance. Just from facebook alone, I have over a hundred local friends who, I am sure, are righteous!  I admire the many great people I met along the way, whose philanthropic deeds have changed people’s lives. Mine is for one. I am student of many unspoken teachers and silent heroes from a pool of day-to-day people making a difference in their communities.

Non-Profit/Community Events
Since late last year, I have been actively participating in many non-profit and community events, sharing my little skill in photography. I was privileged to attend a recent charity event, graced by distinguished speakers, entertainers, artists, singers and volunteers from different sectors, all in support for a great cause to help orphans in Tanzania and Uganda. I was in a company of good, beautiful people who were making efforts to make the world a better place. I came out a better person. 

AMERICA, A Great Country to Live In 
US of A, the land of the free where equality and protection of the youth and of our rights are highly policed but its own citizens. As an immigrant, I am grateful for the opportunities, the liberty and all the conveniences this country has given me: the right to education, to housing, to speak my mind, to be a weird artist, to safe roads, clean drinking water, convenient bathrooms everywhere and the many amenities you call - necessities. In tribute to all Americans who made liberty available to all, I wrote this short speech in my History class back in college: 

      " ...America .... a land of immigrants from different cultures that share one common interest – freedom!  ... As early as the 17th through the early 19th century, this land called the New World was founded by people from different colonies in Europe, in the hope of building the freedom they didn’t experience in their own lands. Referred to as settlers, these immigrants were from the British Isles with English, Scottish, Welsh, and Ulster Irish colonies.... Some of these immigrants came as indentured servants in exchange for passage to the New World. Some came, like the English pilgrims, for religious freedom who established settlement in New England colonies. Our founding founders fought hard to defend liberty in the New World evidenced by the American Revolutionary War (1775–1783) and American War of Independence to break free from the British Empire. Even up to these days, the same reason prevails why people move to America – freedom!
           Freedom, however, through the different challenges of times, was a work in progress. From the long struggle to obtain independence from the British Empire, issues on slavery to women’s rights, freedom had a long and difficult journey through the course of this country’s history. With all these battles in defense of liberty, lives were taken but many kinds of heroes rose – Americans were born!  Heroes and martyrs who went to many battles to defend freedom and those who died and suffered the pains during these difficult times were the high cost of the liberty and progress we enjoy today. They, who brought forth this liberty and those who continue this legacy and spirit in our days and for the generations to come, are the true Americans.
           I am an immigrant myself. I came from a small town in the Philippines where the word America means a lot of things to many people. Even thousands of miles away, with the aid of television and other media, the idea of modernization and progress in America has reached even our small town. America was a picture of progress where people are wealthy and beautiful as the Hollywood stars. With the modern- industrial looking buildings, clean, paved roads, acres of space filled with groovy cars  ...this imagery of America was just so unreachable to think of. Needless to say, America is a dream to many people. .. Not quite as consistent with how Hollywood portrays it at times, but America, in many ways, is indeed a land of opportunities. It is a place where options are available and where liberty and equality are protected by the law and by its own people. Regardless of race, color, gender and status in life, each one has a place in this free country.
                   ... America, land of the free! Thanks to those who came before us, thanks to the forefathers who protected this freedom. I am ever grateful to be a recipient of the fruits labored by heroes, martyrs and selfless Americans who through the centuries, in big or small efforts, made this freedom available to me, even a foreigner to this land.  Thanks to the Americans who keep this freedom alive. Thanks to the Americans who keep us safe and free. Thanks to the Americans who keep this country … a country for all! To you all, I am forever grateful.  

This is a great time to live. We have more options now, almost limitless. While we see and hear many ills in the world, we have a lot of good going on: good Samaritans still exist, mothers putting career opportunities aside to raise a family, husbands who honor their wives, children who obey, preachers who preach and neighbors who look out for each other. I can't think of a better time and place to live. May we all start this year, if you haven't yet, in gratitude for, first - what we have and for the possibilities of more prosperity to come our way. Did I say prosperity - why not? Wishing you all the health and wealth this 2013!