
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Feliz Natividad ... from the bottom of my heart ...

I find it hard to begin this entry without mentioning the recent tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut. To recall, a heavily armed man walked into a Connecticut elementary school and opened fire, leaving the whole nation in grief at the loss of twenty young school children and six adults. My heart cries out to every parent, grandparent, friends and neighbors shattered by this senseless act. As difficult and tender as this topic may be, I would like to imagine Christmas being celebrated joyously by these little ones, this time, surrounded by a throng of angels with our Maker on High. Dave Checkets, a lay minister for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, overseeing ten LDS congregations including the one in Newtown expressed, "… little children are alive in Christ. Though the nature of the crime is the essence of evil, our faith tells us that these children burst into the presence of God and are safe in His arms. (Benedict, J. (2012, Dec 18).  Jeff Benedict: Witnessing grief and compassion in newtown. Retrieved from 

it is
that – 

Our neighborhood was recently petrified by a shooting incident that fortunately ended peacefully. I have nothing but gratitude - first off, for our safety. Anything that keeps my family safe and together is a great blessing. 

Family – my favorite F word. We have our own share of challenges but we are stronger than ever! 
It is my prayer that whatever we all go through in life, let’s not give up on – Marriage and Family! 

Extending family further, we have a community of church members who watch after another. I am pleased to be a member of Relief Society, a worldwide organization for women that believes in “Charity never faileth”. 

Through compassionate service, welfare and organizational related meetings and activities, Relief Society prepares women for the blessings of eternal life by helping them increase their faith and personal righteousness, strengthen families and homes, and help those in need. Along with other auxiliary organizations, Relief Society women help organize gatherings and parties such as our recent Ward Christmas party which was attended by church members, neighbors and friends. It was joy for me to capture spontaneous moments that bring a spark of magic of the season.

Another F word I like is – Friends. It’s great to be out with a good company of friends. I hardly go out but when I do, I make sure it’s worth my time. I thank our many community leaders and organizers who keep the community united in many ways.

This year, I was able to participate and volunteer in many Filipino events, parties and dance presentations

I especially dedicate this segment to Mr. Mike Canlas, our Art Director. 
Kulturang Pinoy Ensemble
International Folk Festival in Sandy.

Celebrating with one of our own ...
Annie Parson's 25th Year Anniversary.
Along with the array of selection of traditional Filipino dishes, the party also served a delightful platter of entertainment - traditional Filipino dances accompanied by a live ethnic beat.
Wendover Day Trip
Wendover Related Post

Talking about photography … I gained many friends from my photography gigs. I appreciate all my models, volunteers and supporters. For the World Wide Web for all the inspiration, tutorials that unveil tips and tricks of this fine art. Thanks for many artists/photographer friends who have been generous in sharing their expertise in the field and whose works brought  inspiration and courage for me to, at least, try. 

I would like to thank my participants in my recent studio photoshoot. Thanks for your time and generous tips and compliments

We all celebrate Christmas in many ways. The best part of it all is how many of us do it in thanksgiving for all our blessings. One of my nieces celebrated her 14th birthday today.   My brother told me that all she wanted was a simple dinner and a movie date with the family. She also requested to spend the rest of her special day visiting the elderly in their neighborhood and bring them presents - a wish surely made come true by the proud parents of this young lady. This season brings a lot of heartwarming stories and the best ones are always authored by the little ones. As I was putting more presents under the Christmas tree, I saw a slight change of the positioning of the nativity scene. The wise men and the shepheds were turned toward the figures of Joseph, Mary and the baby Jesus. I asked my daughter if she moved the figures. She said she did because ... "They have to see Jesus". I heard many similar stories from many families of their pure little angels doing the same. What a heavenly sent message because this season is indeed about seeing the Savior whose birth brought light to all mankind. 

May we all see it just like how children do. Merry Christmas to you all! 

Friday, November 16, 2012

Breaking Dawn II: The Best of the Bunch

First off, let’s cut the chase. Was it good? My answer – it was a real treat! Breaking Dawn 2 is the best of the bunch. While I can’t speak for whole cinematic quality and technicalities, all I can say – the heck, I enjoyed it! The final film of the Twilight Saga fed its thirsty audience with supernatural romance, drama and some over-the-top action. 

The movie opens with Bella, being transformed to her new vampire body, adjusts to her new world and discovers a unique ability to create a mind shield. The whole movie moves around the controversy on Edward and Bella’s fast-growing offspring that brought the whole gripping battle between the Volturi and the Cullens and company. While the Volturi sees the arrival of half-human half-vampire child a threat, the Cullens gather other vampires from the different ethnicities to vouch for the child. Meanwhile, (as sicko this might be in real life), Jacob imprinted (a wolf thing) on Renesmee, making Jacob Renesmee’s protector and the two destined to be soul mates in the ‘near’ future.

With all the different super powers of the vampire characters, the main attraction of the movie was the battle with the Volturi.  Imagine, Bella with her newfound skill to shield other vampires; from Amazonian she-vamps, the ability to supplant intensely real visual images into the minds of others; from the Egyptian coven, comes Benjamin who can physically manipulate the elements of earth, air, fire and water and from the Denali coven, Kate can electrocute anyone who touches her. Adding interest to the new group of covens is the Romanian duo of ancient vampires, Stephan and Vladimir, sworn enemies of the Volturi. Don't ask me about the effects, I got psyched with the soap-operatic drama! There. On the other hand, it quite came a surprise, made the audience gasp, to see the violent ending of some of good the guys, starting with Carlisle. Awww, did I spoil it? Well, that and many more gave the whole story-telling part of the film a riveting twist that will make the ride all worth your angst.

The acting … Hey, I have to say Kristen Stewart emerged from her signature sulking way of acting. The versatile Michael Sheen on the other hand, unleashes quite an interesting eccentric portrayal, as we have always known him as Aro, the ominous leader of the Volturi. Meanwhile, Dakota Fanning didn’t have to speak a word to prove another great performance. She had her intense red eyes do all the speaking for her. 

From the beginning to the closing credits, everything was well tied up. The happy-ending conclusion of the movie was just like a … wedding video … down to it its closing credits. Awwww, so cute. I love it! Cheers! Have fun!

 Thanks ALL STATE for this yearly treat! Like ALL STATE on facebook:

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Miss UN USA, Miss Asia Utah Pageant: And .. the Winner is ...

I  claim no expert on anything. However, as a photography hobbyist and an observant spectator, there is that factor you look for, that something you wanted to capture and hear from a stage production such as a beauty pageant. As a blogger, I speak of my opinions and can blabber on my thoughts, not worrying of an editor who can scrap my work. I intended to write a review, but forget all that! There are more to see beyond what your eyes and ears can sense.
Last Saturday’s (November 3rd)Ms United Nations and Ms. Asia pageant was a show to remember. First and foremost, I would like to congratulate the dynamic trio of Agnes Higley, Eunice Jones and Dana Rossi for producing a very successful show. Organizing such a pageant participated by relatively large number of candidates entail a long to-do list and manpower to carryout a well-coordinated event. From recruiting, campaigns, promotion, training of candidates, generating funds to rehearsals, I just can imagine how the three breathed a good sigh of relief, now that this year’s pageant is finally over.  These three ladies did bring beauty pageants in Utah to a whole new level!

To all the candidates, you all are winners! Thank you for showing your heritage to Utah, and your courage for speaking out on issues the world faces today. What can be better than hearing those profound and significant views from young, talented, beautiful and elegant ladies as you all are! I would listen to you more than that guy at the White House. Pun intended.

Miss India was a charm on stage. She was graceful, eloquent and smart.
Boneeta hopes that her participation in the pageant would help inspire young girls reach their dreams and rise above the stereotype perception on women. On her platform delivery, she concluded, “It is your determination and perseverance that helps you achieve your dreams, not your gender.”

Boneeta also was proclaimed as Miss Friendship.

With 1st runner-up Sindee Ngo and 2nd runner-up Linda Ng

Andrea is one beautiful girl and doesn’t seem to know it.  She has what every pageant recruiter is looking for – natural and fresh. On stage, she was graceful and had a playful spirit in her. 

Andrea related how she’d been discouraged to join the contest. This instead ignited her spirit to try her chance in the pageant. Andrea strongly believes that no person is less than the other. Each one is important and is capable of reaching his/her highest potential.

Andrea also garnered Best in Gown award, Most Voted Fan Page and Best in Talent.

 With  runner-ups  Miss Liberia Fredrica Gwyan (4th), Miss Russia Natalia Koshkina (3rd),Miss Nigeria Nancy Ovouba (2nd) and
Miss Brazil Lyssa Melo (1st)
Other than placing 2nd in MISS UN, Nancy Ovouba won Best in Interview. Nancy also impressed the audience with heartfelt platform on addressing hunger in the world.

In her own little way, Nancy aims to bring the world to the dinner table, unite the nations through food. In her platform delivery, she stated:

“Think of a time you were hungry, truly hungry. Maybe you skipped a meal because you were running late so you were experiencing that grumpy stomach feeling. Remember how debilitating that feeling was. Can you recall all the things you tried to accomplish but didn't have the focus? Maybe you're like me who turn into a bit of a hungry monster blowing fire until food can cool your burning pit. We were the lucky few to be able to take a lunch break or send for food to get our minds back on track. Many children and families here in the US and all over the world feel that same hole in their stomachs but have no idea when or if their next meal is coming to relieve their starvation. The children, if deprived from this basic necessity, can create a dramatic crippling effect, not only on their own future but to ours as well. That is the very reason my platform means so much to me!”
I can talk nineteen to the dozen about the event, but pictures are always more fun! So here we go ...

Ms UN Best in Cultural Attire, Miss Samoa

 Miss Asia Best Talent
 beating the drums with all her might



(Introduction photos still in the process)



  O N G R A T U L A T I O N S  ! ! !   Let's do this again (=!