One thing good about old houses is the opportunity of TONS of projects (that's only if you are a fan of DIY projects, or a handyman yourself). With our house, a rambler built in the 50s, we simply do one project at a time as it may be time and space consuming to do and even expensive. Between me and my husband, I am the "clairvoyant" one - as he always tells me that I always
see beyond. With little touch ups and fixing even on things that you think unnoticeable can make a big difference in the general appearance of you home; or at least, that's how I see it in my own home. Our original plan was to replace all the interior doors with news ones but even the cheapest ones costs $30 a piece. We are talking about 10 interior doors. Do the Math - that's $300 total plus tax. After researching on different ways of resurfacing old doors, I found an antiquing painting technique that I thought might do the job. Since these doors are old, I might as well go with the theme - antique/old world look. I got a gallon of paint, eggshell finish, and faux glaze paint and a new roller - all for less than $50. I faithfully followed the instruction but things were easier said than done. It took me awhile to achieve the look I was imagining in my head. I was able to create an old paper look but my husband calls it differently ... nasty one - a tissue paper covered in poop effect. No sense of art, don't you think?